Company Overview:
AsiaHawala for Non-Banking Financial Services is your solution to a diversified Payment Service Provider, focused on contributing positively towards the economy through innovative and financial products that are designed to inspire every walk of life. We have come a long way to make the first money transaction service in Iraq. Since the establishment of the company in 2014 and the launching on 29 December 2015, we are there to help the rest. AsiaHawala reached customer base of 260,000 subscribers and has the largest distribution network in the country. Being the forerunner in technology based financial solutions for everyone requiring access to financial transactions of any type, our products and services range from:
- e-Wallets;
- Money Transfers
- Bill Payments;
- Salary Disbursements;
- Merchant Payments;
- Online Shopping;
- Flight Reservations
- And much more.
Our significant investment in advance technologies and research allow us to provide our customers with the most up to date and current bouquet of services.
In pursuit of our vision to be the forerunner and leader in Non-Banking payment Services and to become the part of the everyday life of the customers, coupled with our mission to be the preferred Non-Banking Financial Services solution provider by offering the most composite and innovative bouquet of services; we pinpoint towards and directly target, the financial needs and issues of the customers to pioneer groundbreaking and advance set of services that address all the needs and concerns being faced by the customers. We are poised to offer a variety of services that impact and improve the daily lives of the customer while at the same time ensuring a high quality of customer experience that compliments each service.
The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) licenses AsiaHawala after complying fully with requirements of CBI pursuant to Iraq Electronic Payment Service No (3) of 2014, Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter Terrorist Finance (CTF) no 39 of 2015.
Company Strategy:
- Vision: to be choice number one for any mobile financial transactions in the country
- Mission: to deliver the most advanced financial services for our clients in all over Iraq
- Goal: make AsiaHawala every day’s choice
Core values:
We are a team who seeks change, never rest, and provide the state of art technologies with delivering the best customer services to our customers.
AsiaHawala has three types of wallets in order to serve every class’s needs.
Lite wallet is a fast short-termed wallet. The threshold of lite wallet is 2,000,000 million IQD for three months either per day or per the activation period, which is 90 days. Lite wallet holder must transfer the wallet to Standard wallet after three months because the wallet will be suspended.
Standard Wallet can be obtained by visiting one of the AsiaHawala agents throughout Iraq after the completing of registration procedures (Know Your Costumer). The threshold of Standard wallet is 2,000,000 IQD daily and 10,000,000 IQD monthly. The wallet will be active for unlimited period subject to the terms and conditions of the AsiaHawala.
Premium Wallet is the type of wallet that has been designed for employers, merchants, main dealers, High earners, and VIPs. The threshold is defined by the AsiaHawala on case-by-case basis in accordance with Central Bank of Iraq instructions. This wallet can be obtained by visiting AsiaHawala main dealers only.
Şirket Genel Bakışı:
Banka Dışı Finansal Hizmetler için AsiaHawala yaşamın her yürüyüş ilham için tasarlanmış yenilikçi ve finansal ürünlerle ekonomiye yönelik olumlu katkıda odaklanmış bir çeşitlendirilmiş Ödeme Hizmet Sağlayıcı, sizin çözümdür. Biz Irak'ta ilk para işlem hizmetini yapmak için uzun bir yol kat ettik. 2014 yılında şirketin kuruluşundan Aralık 2015 29 başlatılması bu yana, gerisini yardımcı olmak için vardır. AsiaHawala 260.000 abone müşteri tabanını ulaştı ve ülkenin en büyük dağıtım ağına sahiptir. her türlü mali işlemleri erişimi gerektiren herkes için finansal çözümler tabanlı teknoloji öncüsü olmak, bizim ürün ve hizmetler arasında değişir:
- E-Cüzdan;
- Para Transferleri
- Fatura Ödemeleri;
- Maaş Ödemeler;
- Satıcı ödemeler,
- Çevrimiçi alışveriş;
- Uçuş Rezervasyon
- Ve daha fazlası.
avans teknolojileri ve araştırma Bizim önemli bir yatırım bize tarih ve hizmetlerin cari buketi kadar en müşterilerimize sağlamaktayız.
vizyonumuzu peşinde Banka dışı ödeme Hizmetlerinde öncüsü ve lideri olmak ve en kompozit sunarak tercih Banka Dışı Finansal Hizmetler çözüm sağlayıcı olmak misyonumuz ile birleştiğinde müşterilerin günlük yaşamın bir parçası haline ve hizmetlerin yenilikçi buket; Biz doğru saptayıp doğrudan, müşterilerin mali ihtiyaçları ve sorunları tüm ihtiyaç ve endişeleri müşteriler karşılaştığı hitap hizmetlerin temel atma ve peşin seti öncülük etmek hedeflemek. Aynı zamanda her bir hizmeti tamamlar müşteri deneyimi yüksek bir kalite sağlarken müşterinin günlük yaşamlarını etkileyen çeşitli hizmetler sunmak ve geliştirmek hazırlar.
Irak Merkez Bankası (CBI) Irak Elektronik Ödeme Servisi Hayır uyarınca CBI gereklerine tam uyum sonra AsiaHawala lisans (3) 2014 yılı, Anti-Kara Para Aklama (AML) ve Terörist Finans (CTF) 2015 hayır 39.
Şirket Stratejisi:
- Vizyon: Ülkede herhangi bir mobil finansal işlemler için seçim numara olmak için
- Misyon: Irak tüm müşterilerimiz için en gelişmiş finansal hizmetler sunmak için
- Hedef: AsiaHawala her gün seçim haline getirmektedir
Temel değerler:
Dinlenmek, asla değiştirmek ve müşterilerimize en iyi müşteri hizmet sunmaya ile son teknolojileri temin çalışan bir ekibiz.
AsiaHawala her sınıfın ihtiyaçlarına hizmet etmek için cüzdan üç çeşidi vardır.
Lite cüzdan hızlı kısa süreli cüzdan olduğunu. lite cüzdan eşik gün veya 90 gün aktivasyon süresi, her iki, üç ay için 2.000.000 milyon IQD olup. cüzdan askıya alınacak çünkü Lite cüzdan sahibinin üç ay sonra Standart cüzdana cüzdan aktarması gerekir.
Standart Cüzdan kayıt prosedürleri (Kişisel müşterimiz bilin) ait tamamladıktan sonra Irak'ta AsiaHawala ajanlarından birini ziyaret ederek elde edilebilir. Standart cüzdan eşik aylık 2,000,000 günde IQD ve 10,000,000 IQD olup. cüzdan şart ve AsiaHawala şartlarına sınırsız dönem konu için etkin olacaktır.
Prim Cüzdan işverenler, tüccarlar, ana bayi, Yüksek gelirliler ve VIP için dizayn edilmiştir cüzdan türüdür. Eşik Irak talimatlar Merkez Bankası uyarınca vaka tarafından ayrı ayrı AsiaHawala tarafından tanımlanır. Bu cüzdan AsiaHawala ana bayileri sadece ziyaret ederek elde edilebilir.
Company Overview:
AsiaHawala for Non-Banking Financial Services is your solution to a diversified Payment Service Provider, focused on contributing positively towards the economy through innovative and financial products that are designed to inspire every walk of life. We have come a long way to make the first money transaction service in Iraq. Since the establishment of the company in 2014 and the launching on 29 December 2015, we are there to help the rest. AsiaHawala reached customer base of 260,000 subscribers and has the largest distribution network in the country. Being the forerunner in technology based financial solutions for everyone requiring access to financial transactions of any type, our products and services range from:
- e-Wallets;
- Money Transfers
- Bill Payments;
- Salary Disbursements;
- Merchant Payments;
- Online Shopping;
- Flight Reservations
- And much more.
Our significant investment in advance technologies and research allow us to provide our customers with the most up to date and current bouquet of services.
In pursuit of our vision to be the forerunner and leader in Non-Banking payment Services and to become the part of the everyday life of the customers, coupled with our mission to be the preferred Non-Banking Financial Services solution provider by offering the most composite and innovative bouquet of services; we pinpoint towards and directly target, the financial needs and issues of the customers to pioneer groundbreaking and advance set of services that address all the needs and concerns being faced by the customers. We are poised to offer a variety of services that impact and improve the daily lives of the customer while at the same time ensuring a high quality of customer experience that compliments each service.
The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) licenses AsiaHawala after complying fully with requirements of CBI pursuant to Iraq Electronic Payment Service No (3) of 2014, Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter Terrorist Finance (CTF) no 39 of 2015.
Company Strategy:
- Vision: to be choice number one for any mobile financial transactions in the country
- Mission: to deliver the most advanced financial services for our clients in all over Iraq
- Goal: make AsiaHawala every day’s choice
Core values:
We are a team who seeks change, never rest, and provide the state of art technologies with delivering the best customer services to our customers.
AsiaHawala has three types of wallets in order to serve every class’s needs.
Lite wallet is a fast short-termed wallet. The threshold of lite wallet is 2,000,000 million IQD for three months either per day or per the activation period, which is 90 days. Lite wallet holder must transfer the wallet to Standard wallet after three months because the wallet will be suspended.
Standard Wallet can be obtained by visiting one of the AsiaHawala agents throughout Iraq after the completing of registration procedures (Know Your Costumer). The threshold of Standard wallet is 2,000,000 IQD daily and 10,000,000 IQD monthly. The wallet will be active for unlimited period subject to the terms and conditions of the AsiaHawala.
Premium Wallet is the type of wallet that has been designed for employers, merchants, main dealers, High earners, and VIPs. The threshold is defined by the AsiaHawala on case-by-case basis in accordance with Central Bank of Iraq instructions. This wallet can be obtained by visiting AsiaHawala main dealers only.